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scientific edition of Bauman MSTU


Bauman Moscow State Technical University.   El № FS 77 - 48211.   ISSN 1994-0408

NETHERLANDS: Calls for quotas for foreign students

A 54% increase in foreign students in Dutch higher education over the past four years has prompted calls from political parties on the right and left for the introduction of quotas, and specifically for the allocation of places through a government lottery.

The number of foreign students has risen by 19,000 since 2006 to 54,500. Over the same period, the share of allotted lottery places in medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine going to foreign students rose from 9.3% to 18.3%.

Following reports that foreign students are costing the government EUR100 million (US$137 million), the liberal VVD, which is currently in the coalition government with the social democrats CDA, the right-wing PVV, which supports the coalition, and the left-wing SP have all stated that foreign students are too expensive, Dutch newspapers Volkskrant and NRC Handelsblad reported.

The PVV and SP argued that there ought to be a quota of foreign students admitted by lottery.

The Netherlands does not limit the number of students that can be admitted - a numerus clausus system - to very attractive study places, for instance in medicine, dentistry or veterinary medicine, as in many other European countries. Instead, since 2000 it has been operating a weighted lottery system - numerous fixus - based on a combination of secondary school grades and a lottery draw.

The examination of qualifications and the lottery are undertaken by a government agency, DUO - Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (Education Service Department).

The principle of the weighted system is that the higher the average final exam results, the higher the chance of getting a place. There are five lottery classes, A to E. Class A is the maximum score for students with an average mark of eight or higher, who gain direct admission and so do not have to participate in the lottery.

Students with an average mark between 7.5 and 8 are placed in category B, those with an average mark between 7 and 7.5 go to category C, and so on. Chances of gaining a place decrease for each class.

Full text of the article: University World News
Photo: Groningen University
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