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scientific edition of Bauman MSTU


Bauman Moscow State Technical University.   El № FS 77 - 48211.   ISSN 1994-0408

JAPAN: New graduate schools struggle to find students

The number of universities and academic programmes in Japan is rising, particularly among professional graduate schools. But there is one obvious problem: not enough students are signing up, writes Miki Tanikawa for The New York Times.

The Japanese government says that nearly half of professionally-oriented programmes, aside from law schools, have yet to fill their stated student capacity. And the problem has been especially acute in graduate programmes in education.

"Japanese universities tend to roll out programmes without having a good grasp of the needs in the marketplace," said Kenichi Yoshida, an executive senior consultant at the Japan Research Institute in Tokyo. "When they start a programme, they assume there will be students."

Source: The New York Times
with reference to University World News
Photo: An instructor with his class in Kanagawa Prefecture. Universities have responded to dissatisfaction with primary and secondary teaching by setting up graduate education programs.
Photo from The new York Times
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