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Cloud life cycle support system for experimental production
Engineering Bulletin # 11, November 2016
УДК: 004.7: 004.75
The article presents an analysis of the current state of the use of "Internet of Things" and cloud technology to automate production management and product design. This paper considers the creation of production and research support system ZHTSP complex products, the purpose of which is to provide access to high-tech equipment and powerful computer systems to the maximum number of users with minimal cost. We can say that the new system has both the properties and the "digital" and "smart" systems. The basis for the construction of production and research system has served as existing at the Department of "Computer production management systems" MSTU. NE Bauman management system "GPS" Denford "MSTU" cloud platform and SAP HANA Cloud Platform The architecture and communication protocols between GPS devices and cloud-based platform. The connection control computer with SAP HANA cloud takes place through a secure connection for the WebSocket protocol. Dannyy̆ protocol unlike HTTP eliminates the need to have a device staticheskiy̆ IP address, which in some cases takes significant limitations in the topology information network and can significantly accelerate the process of deployment.
Corrugated Membrane Nonlinear Deformation Process Calculation
Machines and Plants: Design and Exploiting # 03, June 2015
DOI: 10.7463/aplts.0315.0790843
pp. 62-69
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