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Publication list: http://elibrary.ru/author_items.asp?authorid=611251

Engineering Bulletin # 11, November 2016
УДК: 621.865, 681.3
Mathematical Models of Beam and Rails for the Simulation Programs
Engineering Education # 12, December 2015
DOI: 10.7463/1215.0824860
pp. 215-225

Engineering Bulletin # 07, July 2015
УДК: 621.865, 681.3
A technique for choosing an option for SDH network upgrade
Engineering Education # 03, March 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0314.0702849
Due to sharp growth of information sources from time to time a demand arises to upgrade a network of the tributaries based on synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) thereby increasing its capacity. At the heart of an offered upgrading technique lies the method of expert evaluations, and the developed software complex serves as the tool for obtaining characteristics of a network. The complex allows us to analyse rather large number of options, being unevident even for some technical specialists owing to rather large amount of works in a network for their introduction. Approbation of the technique and complex showed their efficiency.
Software complex for finding the path routings in synchronous digital hierarchy networks
Engineering Education # 02, February 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0214.0698921
The paper addresses the communication network constructions based on the synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) via software complex, which uses Dijkstra algorithm taking into consideration real network conditions. These conditions include dead ends, a standby link path along the fibres and equipment, which differs from equipment with passed main link, etc. The software complex enables us to find optimal main and standby routes for link in SDH network of complicated structure taking into account these restrictions. In addition to the path routings, complex enables saving information on the network nodes, sections, and links in database (DB) i.e., actually, it represents a DB with graphic interface, thereby allowing an operator to have rapid information on its state.
Multi-criteria estimation of the relevancy of documents in the enterprise ontological knowledge base using thematic clusterization
Engineering Education # 11, November 2013
DOI: 10.7463/1113.0637857
This work is a part of investigation devoted to the development of design methods for ontological knowledge bases, oriented at the decision support in the enterprise information systems. An approach to finding solutions in knowledge bases using document’s metadata was considered. Document’s metadata as well as search queries were represented as the frames of design and search patterns respectively. Slots of those patterns corresponded to the concepts’ roles in the utilized ontology. Specified roles divided concepts of ontology, a document and a query into clusters. Semantic networks for those clusters were defined in such a way that search queries of a document were represented as a set of semantic networks, corresponding to the slots of design and search patterns. The relevancy of a document was estimated by a set of metrics which formalized the nearness of semantic networks. A problem formulation of multi-criteria estimation of the relevancy of documents in the enterprise ontological knowledge base and an adaptive solution method were presented in this paper.
Solving the inverse dynamic problem with the use of simulation systems
Engineering Education # 12, December 2013
DOI: 10.7463/1213.0637676
This paper describes a method for solving the inverse dynamic problem with the use of the systems for simulation of complex technical objects. Mathematical basis for solving that problem were presented. The problem-solving procedure contains two stages. Numerical simulation of a mechanical system under given external influence is performed at the first stage; this influence is represented as dependence of position coordinates of the system’s several elements on time. During this simulation reciprocal deflections of the operating mechanism’s application points are recorded. At the second stage previously applied forces are removed. Simulation of the system under the influence of displacements in the operating mechanisms determined at the first stage is carried out. In the process created forces are registered. An example of solving the inverse dynamic problem for a tripod was presented.
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