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Software Package Nesvetay-3D for Modeling Three-Dimensional Flows of Monatomic Rarefied Gas
Engineering Education # 06, June 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0614.0712314
The paper contains a review of the recent developments of a three-dimensional computational code "Nesvetay-3D" for modelling rarefied gas flows. The code solves the Boltzmann kinetic equation with various model collision integrals using an implicit finite-volume scheme of Godunov type.  Arbitraryunstructured spatial meshes can be used so that flows over arbitrary geometrical shapes can be computed, including those of. Large-scale computations can be run on hundreds of CPU cores using MPI. Performance and robustness of the numerical scheme and computer code are demonstrated on a number of examples, including gas flows into vacuum through micropipes and external flows over re-entry craftsat high altitude.
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