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Calculating the Spectral Density of the Loading Moment on the Working Body of the Deep Milling Machine at the Design Stage
Engineering Education # 05, May 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0514.0709758
The paper proposes a model to form the torque on the working body of the deep milling machine in the interaction with the soil and with the forest-bush vegetation growing on the surface, its root system. The load is presented as a sequence of pulses with random parameters and complex structure. The developed approach enables us to determine the spectral density of the loading moment on the milling cutter taking into account the operation conditions, its structure, physical and mechanical properties of soils, and probabilistic characteristics of random operation conditions at the design stage. Probabilistic characteristics of the moment on a cutter are initial information for the analysis of dynamic loads in the drive elements of deep milling machine at the design stage.
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