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Investigation of the Helium Proportion Influence on the Prandtl Number Value of Gas Mixtures
Engineering Education # 05, May 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0514.0710811
The paper investigates an influence of helium fraction on the Prandtl number value for various gas mixtures. It is shown that a low value of the Prandtl number allows us to raise efficiency of gasdynamic energy separation in Leontyev's tube. The paper conducts a numerical research of the influence of gas mixture composition on the Prandtl number value, and verifies the calculation procedure, using the known experimental data and calculation results of other authors. It is shown that there are binary mixtures of the "light" and "heavy" gases, possessing abnormally low value of the Prandtl number, and the used calculation procedure allows correct calculation of their thermo-physical properties.

# 05, May 2014
УДК: 533.27
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