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Formation of the intuitive skills of technical specialists
Engineering Bulletin # 10, October 2015
УДК: 159.9
The core of the mental-structured approach to the preparation of technical specialists is consideration of the human mental activity regularity. Educational technology created with this approach makes possible not only obtaining the essential knowledge within a specific technical field but purposefully create the fundamental components of mental competence in technics. Understanding of thinking and memory patterns are amongst these components as well as the latent capability of the intuitive sense as part of the intellectual potential of the future specialist. Unlike the traditional method of teaching such educational technology should incorporate the particular educational events targeting development of these capabilities. Particular technical problem was adapted for this purpose to illustrate the approach.
Computer-Aided Training and Quality Assessment of Creative Abilities
Engineering Education # 01, January 2015
DOI: 10.7463/0115.0754865
pp. 221-231
On the harmonization of logical structure of educational standards
Engineering Education # 01, January 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0114.0676435
For solving a task of socialization of higher technical education at higher methodological and functional levels, the harmonization of educational standards by introducing interdisciplinary courses into the training process was proposed; such courses are associated with providing creative forms of professional activity. Logical structure of such courses includes studying the culture of professional way of thinking or the basis of intellectual competence by examples from scientific-technical knowledge domains.  These features make it possible to use proposed courses not only for task-oriented trainings and forming the required set of professionally significant personal skills but for developing a wide spectrum of key transferable competences.
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