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A profilometry of the preparation of a joint for solving problems of geometrical and technological adaptation of welding equipment used in the automated methods of arc welding of tubes
Engineering Education # 09, September 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0913.0618953
Effective methods of geometric adaptation of the welding equipment to anomalies in the geometry of the joint assembly in arc welding by applying servo system were proposed. The anomalies in the joint geometry of the assembly were described and their impact on the quality of welds was evaluated. The variant of a use of optical sensors based on the CCD sensor for the measurement of the profile geometry and spatial arrangement of the joint was also proposed in this paper. Technical solutions for protection of the optical sensor from heat and light effects produced by the welding arc were described. Principles of the correction of technological parameters depending on the geometry of profile anomalies and the spatial arrangement of a joint were described.
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