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A design technique of manufacturing bell-shaped details
Engineering Education # 10, October 2013
DOI: 10.7463/1013.0636230
In this paper the authors consider a design technique of a two-step manufacturing process of a bell-shaped detail with the use of overlapping of operations at one step. Those operations were drawing, pressing and expanding. Dependences for determination of the work-piece dimensions of the first step of drawing which are the diameter and thickness of a round work-piece, were presented in this article. The authors give recommendations on determining dimensions of a cylindrical cup produced at the first step of drawing, namely the diameter and height of a cylindrical cup along with the maximum and minimum wall thicknesses. An example of production engineering of a sheet-metal stamping for manufacturing a specific bell-shaped detail, using an overlapping of operations mentioned above. Results of experimental verification of the manufacturing process developed according to the proposed method were also presented in this paper.
Study of extracting combined with swaging and distribution
Engineering Education # 11, November 2013
DOI: 10.7463/1113.0636247
The authors consider extracting combined with swaging and distribution as a method to intensify the processes of sheet metal forming allowing to produce a conical workpiece which has a funnel-shaped opening with a large coefficient of deformation for one technological transfer in one molding tool. During the study of extracting combined with swaging and distribution computer modeling AutoForm software was used. The authors consider influence of friction on the process of forming; they evaluated changes in thickness of the funnel-shaped opening and in deformation forces with different values of friction coefficient. The authors also considered the effect of distribution on force parameters of the combined extracting and final dimensions of the product.
Stress-strain state in a combined operation of expansion and swaging when manufacturing adapters
Engineering Education # 08, August 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0813.0578962
The authors consider a combination of two operations (expansion and swaging) in one manufacturing step. A coordinated solution to equilibrium equations, plastic conditions, relations between stresses and strains were used during the analysis of these operations.  As a result, data were obtained for calculation of effective stresses and strains for both zones - swaging and expansion. The results of the study and calculation of the friction effect on the magnitude of stress and strain state in the combined operation are given in this work. Methods of controlling the formation process were defined. A numerical experiment was carried out with the use of MATCAD by varying the main parameters of the process which are friction and strain.
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