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Jet Fans Airing Quarries in Combination with a Device for Aerating
Engineering Education # 01, January 2015
DOI: 10.7463/0115.0755210
pp. 32-41
Intensification of aeration of pits with the use of guiding devices
Engineering Education # 06, June 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0613.0577364
The design of the guiding device was developed for intensification of aeration of pits, which allows one to increase the speed of straight and inverse air streams in working zones of excavations during weakened natural air exchange, and improve working conditions. On the basis of modeling and analysing research results, optimum parameters of an aeration device were determined; aerodynamics of air streams in pits with various geometry of the developed space was investigated; calculated dependences for determination of speeds of air wind currents were obtained. Thus, use of a guiding device increases efficiency of aeration of the developed space of a pit at the expense of increase in speed of a wind stream on failure into a pit, reduction of volume of a circulation zone and reduction of speeds of air streams in it.
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