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Laser Remote Sensing of Vegetation Cover Using Reflection Coefficients Measurement Data
Radiooptics # 03, May 2016
DOI: 10.7463/rdopt.0316.0840843
Remote Sensing Method of Petroleum Film Detection Using Two Laser Beams for Sounding a Sea Surface
Radiooptics # 06, November 2015
DOI: 10.7463/rdopt.0615.0817268
pp. 27-37
Detection Range Estimation of UV Spectral Band Laser Radar
Engineering Education # 11, November 2014
DOI: 10.7463/1114.0731582
pp. 482-496
Estimating a Wind Shear Detection Range for Different Altitude Levels in the Troposphere
Engineering Education # 06, June 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0614.0715345
The paper presents estimation of a sounding range of the airborne lidar in ultraviolet, visible, and near infrared spectral bands to solve a problem of wind shear detection for different altitude levels in the troposphere. It is shown that with the flying altitude rise there is a decrease of the sounding range, most of all, within the altitude of 5-10 km. This dependence is explained by the fact that in this range of altitudes there is a substantial decrease of aerosol scattering and extinction coefficients in the earth atmosphere with the increase of altitude. In  the lowest atmospheric layer the sounding range reaches maximum for  the wavelengths of 0.532 µm. With increase of flying altitude a difference between the sounding ranges for the wavelengths of 0.355, 9.532, and 1.54 µm decreases.
Experimental studies of the remote correlation laser method for measuring instantaneous wind speed
Engineering Education # 04, April 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0413.0565048
The authors describe a laser lidar model for remote measurement of instantaneous speed and direction of atmospheric winds. The authors provide the results of experimental studies in the surface layer of the remote correlation laser method for measuring instantaneous wind speed and characteristics of aerosol backscatter coefficient heterogeneities of the atmosphere. It is shown that the measurement of aerosol size heterogeneities and adaptive selection of size measurement framework in accordance with the found criterion can increase determination accuracy of instantaneous wind speed by correlation lidars.
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