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Intermediate Frequency Hydro-acoustic Signal Simulation
Engineering Education # 12, December 2016
DOI: 10.7463/1216.0853895
pp. 279- 299
Controlling computing systems of sonar complexes with the use of simulation modeling
Engineering Education # 06, June 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0613.0570096
The authors propose a method of increasing accuracy control of computing systems in sonar complexes. This method allows to increase methodical validity of a control system by using simulation modeling of signals from sonar complex devices in real time. This article presents a brief analysis of the structure and main working principles of the monitored item; the main potential problems are emphasized along with the causes of their occurrence; application area of the proposed method was determined. This method could be applied to technical control of products in industry and to debugging of on-board software of sonar complexes and development of new promising algorithms of sonar signal processing.
Method of improving efficiency of digital simulation systems for modeling a real time hydro-acoustic situation
Engineering Education # 02, February 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0213.0531784
A method of improving computer systems for simulating a real time hydro-acoustic situation was developed. This method reduces the cost of hardware and laboriousness of software development of the modeling system while maintaining adequacy requirements for the mathematical model. The article gives a brief analysis of the acoustic systems structure. Relevance of the problem, scope, limitations and efficiency evaluation of the method were defined. Practical application of the method is possible in design of monitoring and diagnosing computer sonar systems, software development and tests of sonar guidance algorithms.
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