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77-51037/493411 Maintenance of specialist personal reliability assessment
# 2, December 2012
УДК: 658.5
Article is devoted an estimation of maintenance of personal reliability of the expert as to the major direction of its optimisation. In it approaches to classification HRA are considered, the method maintenance «АSSЕТ», and also some methods of various generation is analysed.Questions of strategy and tactics of experts estimation of personal reliability indicators are also discussed in the article. It is considered their specificity and fields of application in comparison with the approaches developed in psychodiagnostics of shots.
77-51037/483525 Metodological-substantial questions of specialist's personal reliability maintenance optimization
# 2, December 2012
УДК: 658.5
Article is devoted to strategy and tactics questions of an experts estimation based on personal reliability indicators. The specificity and fields of their application in comparison with the approaches developed by psycho diagnostics are considered in the article. Methodological questions devoted to strategy and tactics of specialists estimation by means of personal reliability indicators are significant also for solving personnel policy. Further work is critically depends on how leaders and officials understand and realize them. Important fact is that providing psychological support of militaries health should be grounded on methodological and organizational basis of medical-psychological supply of their activities.
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