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Anisotropy of sound in a magnetic fluid with internal rotation
Engineering Education # 08, August 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0812.0441895
The article presents an analytical study of hydrodynamic modes for a model of magnetic fluid with internal rotation. The author shows that there are three hydrodynamic modes in the ferrohydrodynamics model with internal rotation. The author obtained phase velocity and absorption coefficients for fast and slow magnetosonic waves, as well as for the modified Alfven wave type. It is shown that in the absence of an external magnetic field the ferrofluid with internal rotation does not have anisotropy of sound and has the properties of a homogeneous fluid. The article also presents a comparison of hydrodynamic modes of ferrohydrodynamics with internal rotation with hydrodynamic modes of ferrohydrodynamics with frozen magnetization.
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