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Forecasting performance of curvilinear motion in multi wheeled vehicles for different all-wheel steering laws
Engineering Education # 05, May 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0512.0403845
The article presents information about creating systems of all-wheel steering (AWS) for different types of vehicles. The authors give a detailed description of the known laws of all-wheel steering, and also present the original law obtained on the basis of theoretical and experimental studies. The authors present a mathematical model of a wheeled machine that predicted characteristics of curvilinear motion with different variants of steering system. The solution to the problem of evaluating the effectiveness of AWS laws was considered by the example of a vehicle with the  8 × 8 wheel forumla and 1-2-3-4 steering. The technique of computational experiments, corresponding to the CMP field testing of vehicles, as well as the results of numerical simulations, is presented in the article. Basing on the analysis of data, they proved feasibility of the developed AWS law for vehicles of various types and purposes.
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