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Technological Aspects of Creating Large-size Optical Telescopes
Engineering Education # 02, February 2015
DOI: 10.7463/0215.0755509
pp. 269-285
Revisiting the Effectiveness of Large Optical Telescopes
Engineering Education # 01, January 2015
DOI: 10.7463/0115.0754723
pp. 101-113
Phase Modulation Method for Control Systems of Rotary Machine Parameters
Engineering Education # 12, December 2014
DOI: 10.7463/1214.0748723
pp. 521-533

Engineering Bulletin # 11, November 2014
УДК: .520.2.062
The main postulates of adaptive correction of distortions of the wave front in large-size optical systems
Engineering Education # 03, March 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0314.0700488
Some conceptual reasons on development and creation of the adaptive optical systems (AOS) in difficult send-receive optical complexes are considered. The main postulates of adaptive correction of distortions of the wave front (WF) in these complexes are for the first time formulated and offered. Discussion of results of pilot studies at the complex stand in natural conditions is carried out. Ways and possibilities of decrease in power losses in transferring optical complexes with use of methods and means of adaptive optics are shown efficiency of use of the offered postulates of adaptive correction in large-size optical systems, and also ways and possibilities of decrease in power losses in transferring optical complexes with use of methods and means of adaptive optics.
Influence of the atmosphere on image quality in optical telescopes
Engineering Education # 05, May 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0512.0414002
The atmosphere is one of the basic factors worsening the quality of optical systems. The atmosphere as a medium for radiation propagation shows its distorting influence through the ability to absorb, to scatter, to refract (atmospheric refraction) this radiation, to change its properties continuously (atmospheric turbulence), and also, depending on the state of the atmosphere, to produce different electromagnetic effects (electrical breakdowns, ionization, etc). The author proposes a new approach to examination of the influence of the atmosphere on image quality. It was shown that this influence has geometric and three-dimensional temporary special features. Recommendations regarding effective reduction of this influence are given.
77-30569/415359 Method of manufacturing of the lightened optical elements.
Engineering Education # 04, April 2012
Main mirror is the most complex and expensive part of the contemporary telescope. Its surface must keep its form with accuracy up to small fractions of wavelength with any working inclinations of mirror in entire working temperature range. In this case it must be maximally facilitated in order to ensure acceptable requirements for the framework of telescope.Today, perhaps, there is no doubt that composite mirrors only will be used as the main mirrors of telescopes of the fifth generation; their mutual attitude of separate elements during the work will be continuously corrected for the purpose of the maintenance of the assigned form and for the purpose of the adaptive compensation for the distortions of the wave front of the emission formed with telescope.In this article the original method of manufacturing of the lightened optical elements was proposed. It was shown on the basis of calculations and experimental data that the errors in the production of optical elements were found within the permissible limits.An example of the procedure of the production of the lightened mirror was given.
77-30569/413768 Method for determination picture information capacity in large-sized telescopes.
Engineering Education # 04, April 2012
Method of determination of the storage capacity of visual, photographic and TV - images in the telescope, considering the influence of different distorting factors (physical, technological, instrument) was proposed. It was shown that the presence of the distorting factors (factor) led to considerable reduction in contrast of images and, as a result, to reduction in resolution, decrease in brightness gradations and drop in the storage capacity of fixing images, by the example of atmospheric turbulenceFormulas, which allow to determine the storage capacity of the image of telescope under the assumed operating conditions were proposed. It’s possible when the values of the diameter of the telescope’s main mirror (variable value) and angular dimensions of the real image of object (constant value) are known.Calculations showed that increase in the diameter of main mirror with given angular value of the image’s circle of smearing led to reduction in the storage capacity of image under the actual practice. Therefore with the study of the problem on the creation of telescopes with the increased diameter of main mirror it is necessary to simultaneously solve the problem of an improvement in the quality of image both due to the minimization of the influence of the distorting factors of telescope itself and by the means of the adaptive correction of this influence.Proposed method allows to determine the maximum permissible dimensions of the main mirror of telescope and, correspondingly, the possible price of entire work on creation and installation of telescope. It’s only possible when the specific value of storage capacity and the angular dimensions of the image of point are known.Method is applicable for both classical and adaptive telescopes.
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