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77-30569/364110 Computing experiment in mechanics problem of radiating gas. Method, algorithm and software for research of repetitively pulsed gas-discharge lamps.
Engineering Education # 04, April 2012
The authors propose a realistic non-stationary mathematical model of gas-discharge emitting sources with periodical pulse, considering transfer of radiation of complex discrete-continuous composition in plasma and coat stabilizing the charge. System for information fitting of computing experiments was developed. Appropriate software was created. The authors compared the obtained data with the results of the experiment; the comparison proved applicability of the developed software and computer tools for investigation of systems and technologies using infrared, ultraviolet and visible radiating of powerful discharge lamps with wide nomenclature of gas and metallo-gas plasma-generating media.
Mathematical simulation of selectively radiating charges with high non-equilibrium
Engineering Education # 05, May 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0512.0364256
With the framework of multi-liquid hydrodynamic approximation, the author proposes a computational model of non-equilibrium space-inhomogeneous plasma of discharge in metallic vapor in the compound with inert gas which has different temperatures of light and heavy particles. All  the functions of energy and state particle distribution were considered to be non-equilibrium and calculated in the course of evaluation. Beside collision processes in the kinetics of energy level population of plasma-generating components, radiative excitation by resonant lines expanded with different mechanisms is taken into account. Theory and experimental data are in good agreement (5-15%) with temperature fields and electron and heavy plasma particle concentration, and also with basic radiative and electro-physical characteristics of discharges in the mercury vapor with argon buffer.
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