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Modernization of technology to estimate composite constructional ceramics operational dynamic properties using a hydroabrasive ultrastream
Engineering Education # 03, March 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0314.0701307
The articles concerns the constructional ceramics (CC) diagnostics based on the aluminum oxide. Relevance of the article subject of is caused by the need to have in a technical arsenal of the technologist methods of express-diagnostics, which can be applied at the stage of technological preparation of CC production. Their absence, today, considerably complicates the fine-tuning technology and prohibits from obtaining the latest information about operational dynamic properties of this material. The article presents the comparison results of the micromorpholodgy analysis of KK chips after static and dynamic influence. It analyses the obtained results and draws conclusions on a possibility to use an ultrajet diagnostics method at the stage of production in addition to tests using the solid-state drummers. The article gives justification for efficiency of ultrajet diagnostics methods, considers the prospects of its practical application in manufacturing products from KK.
77-30569/342101 Analysis of effectiveness of various personal body armor
Engineering Education # 03, March 2012
The authors consider the problem which describes high-speed interaction of an inert compact striker with various kinds of obstacles, including combined type barriers. The purpose of the study is, with the aid of mathematical modeling, to find out, what types of obstacles are capable of withstanding high-speed blow. They can be used as armor elements in personal body armor. Mathematical modeling of the process was done in Ansys 12.1 IDE. During the modeling of a high-speed interaction process a continuum mechanics device in two-dimensional axisymmetric setting was used. The authors developed and tested the mathematical model and drew conclusions concerning applicability of the armor elements.
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