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# 11, November 2014
УДК: 51-76

# 12, December 2013
УДК: 616-77

# 02, February 2013
УДК: 616-77

# 01, January 2013
УДК: 616-77
77-30569/330645 Setup of numerical simulation of interaction between an explosive charge and several high-speed penetrators
Engineering Education # 03, March 2012
The authors present a review of works dealing with the problem of shock explosive initiation; this review covered shock pulses administered by a single high-speed penetrator or by a flow of several penetrators. Expressions describing particular cases of interaction between an explosive charge and two high-speed penetrators are included in the article. Feasibility of numerical simulation was asserted to be the principal research technique for studying such high-speed processes. Different numerical setups using the AUTODYN 2D and 3D hydrocode are considered. Reasons behind planar symmetry used in a two-dimensional setup are included in the article. The authors show good agreement between the results obtained using two-dimensional setup with planar symmetry and results obtained during three-dimensional numerical runs.
77-30569/326182 Additivity applied to shock and detonation processes in explosive mixtures
Engineering Education # 03, March 2012
The authors show the possibility of simple analytical evaluation of properties of multicomponent explosive mixtures with known properties and weight percentage of components. Expressions that expand the applicability of additivity laws were obtained from known shock wave theory relations for specific volume, density, isentrope exponent, explosive heat, detonation speed of explosive mixture. The authors provide a technique of calculation of detonation properties of explosive mixtures for a general multicomponent explosive, for two-phase medium and for a mixture of explosive and inert additive. An analytical shock adiobatic curve of a multicomponent explosive could be easily derived from the obtained results. This may be particularly useful for estimation of detonation process behavior in explosive mixtures when there is no experimental data concerning their particular properties.
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