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Formation Flying Concept Issues
Engineering Education # 08, August 2015
DOI: 10.7463/0815.0789727
pp. 100-115
Controlling angular movement of a small spacecraft
Engineering Education # 10, October 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0613.0574636
This authors briefly describe a promising active-passive control system of angular movement of a small spacecraft (by an example of nano-satellites) based on a construction with a gravitational stabiliser and micro-thrusters. Operating modes of the micro-thrusters’ control block were proposed; they were passive mode, initial stabilisation mode, stabilisation and orientation modes. Formulas for determining the required number of micro-thrusters for a small-sized spacecraft in each mode were presented. The main advantages of the proposed active-passive control system of angular movement and applications of a small-sized spacecraft equipped with this system were also described.
77-30569/325917 Enhancement of a flying vehicles’ efficiency using a resource redistribution approach
Engineering Education # 02, February 2012
A problem of a flying vehicle’s efficiency enhancement by resource redistribution was defined. Approaches to the problem were suggested. Transfer of gyroscopic roll sensor’s functions to the optical image receiver was described as an example of such problems. Methods of roll determination using optical images were presented. On the basis of morphological and syntactical analyses algorithms of information processing and roll evaluation were developed. As the result of mathematical and seminatural simulation accuracy and reliability of algorithms (in comparison with gyroscopes) was estimated. Recommendations for application of methods and algorithms were given.
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