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Engineering Bulletin # 02, February 2013
77-30569/325179 Complex research of thermal states of electroarc devices
Engineering Education # 02, February 2012
The paper considers problems of complex experimental research of high-beat states of electrode assemblies for electroarc devices working in a wide range of controlled environment pressures. The author describes methods and means of diagnostics of devices with hot cathodes (models with hollow cathode and with tungsten core cathode).  The experimental setup consisted of different diagnostic equipment which allowed to determine both local and integral thermophysical characteristics of the voltaic arc, namely: high temperature of the cathode (up to 3000 K) and its longitudinal distribution, large heat fluxes into the anode (QA ≥ 1 kW) and its distribution on the working electrode surface. The results of diagnostics of electrodes thermal states were discussed, and recommendations on their use in technological electroarc devices were given in this article.
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