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77-30569/360710 Comparative analysis of educational systems in Germany and Russia under conditions of Bologna process.
Engineering Education # 04, April 2012
This article covers modern problems of restructuring educational systems according to the Bologna declaration guidelines. The comparative analysis of a three-level professional education system “bachelor – master – doctor” is considered by the example of Germany and Russia. The main differences of educational process in German universities is taken into account. It is shown that the new teaching approach replaces the traditional teaching concept and focuses, first and foremost, on students, and is reorganized subject to training. According to the new teaching concept the final results of teaching is the first-defined matter when the educational program is being worked out. Authors conclude that during Russia’s adoption of the high-school system according to the Bologna process, restructuring should be held gradually and carefully to keep Russia’s teaching traditions. And students with their need for education should be the center of this process.
77-30569/228671 Early career-guidance of scholars as the first step in academic and teaching personnel training in innovative Russian economic life
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
This article considers current problems in training high-qualified academic and teaching personnel. It is shown that early career-guidance is the first and one of the most important factors in further professional orientation. The authors show the latest statistical data on academic competition (Olympiad) among scholars “Step in future”, analyze advantages of students’ selection through pre-university training system. It is concluded that the best results and high motivation to professional choice and further training in University is the consequence of non-stop career-guidance workout with scholars, which allows to make a choice appropriate for all participants of educational process and correspondent with the demands of society and state.
77-30569/262420 Problems of high-skilled personnel training in non-stop professional development system
Engineering Education # 10, October 2011
This article is about current problems of high-skilled personnel training in non-stop professional development system. There are schemes of continuing  education and non-stop professional development provided. Key characteristics of a highly knowledgeable specialist are considered. The author shows the role of enterprises in personnel training, defines problems of such training and reasons for educational dip of today high-school graduates. Possible up-to-date solutions to abovementioned problems are also provided.The author concludes that package solution for development of non-stop professional education system is a relevant and crucial objective for present-day postindustrial society and necessary condition for a personality’s professional self-determination, development of his/her powers, personal and professional potential implementation through the whole life-time.
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