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Vacuum arc on the polycrystalline silica cathode
Engineering Education # 11, November 2014
DOI: 10.7463/1114.0748209
pp. 188-197
The Influence of Cathode Excavation of Cathodic Arc Evaporator on Thickness Uniformity and Erosion Products Angle Distribution
Engineering Education # 04, April 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0414.0707391
The research of the influence of the excavation process of butt-end vacuum arc evaporator on the angle distribution of the evaporated material flux was carried out. Coating profile of flat extended substrate placed perpendicular the cathode surface was measured at various working duration and different extends of excavation of vacuum arc evaporator cathode. According to the obtained profiles the angle distribution of the material flux was reconstructed. The normalized dimensionless angle distribution of the material flux was formed according to various extends of cathode excavation and the comparison with distribution of flat point source according to Lambert-Knudsen law was made.

# 05, May 2013
УДК: 67.05
Research of generation profile of cathode of arc evaporator with arched magnetic field
Engineering Education # 11, November 2012
DOI: 10.7463/1112.0482485
Generation profile of the cathode of the arc evaporator was researched in various operating modes: at the change of the discharge current and induction of the arched magnetic field. Width of the generation profile was compared with the width of cathode-spot motion. Dependences of the width of the cathode-spot motion on the discharge current and induction of the arched magnetic field were obtained.
77-30569/256359 The dynamic of cathode spots movement along the cathode surface in transverse magnetic field
Engineering Education # 01, January 2012
The effect of the value of arc magnetic field induction and discharge current on the speed of cathode spots on a cold cathode of vacuum-arc evaporation system in inert and reactive gas atmosphere was explored. The cathode spots’ speed dependence from the value of the magnetic field induction and discharge current was investigated. It was shown that the induction and discharge current increasing leads to a rise of the cathode spots’ speed. In this case, it doesn’t matter whether we use reactive or inert gas.
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