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The problem of determining the recognition threshold of substances in the FTIR
Engineering Education # 04, April 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0413.0548098
Detection of substances with the use of their infrared spectra is carried out by means of statistical analysis of experimental and reference spectra. This analysis is conducted by calculating the correlation parameter. In this work dependences of correlation parameters of reference and noisy spectra on the signal-to-noise ratio were obtained. Dependence of substance recognition thresholds on the signal-to-noise ratio within the experimental spectra was obtained for the given probability of substance recognition. The authors consider the possibility of applying these dependences to calculation of recognition thresholds in view of the signal-to-noise ratio during the experiment.

Engineering Education # 12, December 2011

Engineering Education # 12, December 2011
77-30569/255578 Influence of spectral noise on errors of substance concentration recovery at substance detection in aero-space by Fourier spectroradiometer data
Engineering Education # 12, December 2011
 The authors consider numerical solution algorythms for identification and concentrations calculation of substances in the atmosphere. Instead of solving the multidimensional system of linear equations it is proposed to solve one or several one-dimensional systems. Conversion to one-dimensional problem is performed by correlation analysis. The influence of noise in the initial spectrum on errors of inverse problem solution was studied.
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