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The Concept of Building a Radar Station Based on the Microwave Photonics Components
Engineering Education # 05, May 2016
DOI: 10.7463/0516.0840246
pp. 41-65
Analysing the Target Surveillance Technology Development Trends of the Global Air Navigation System
Radiooptics # 05, September 2015
DOI: 10.7463/rdopt.0515.0825966
pp. 16-36
Solar Flash Sub-Millimeter Wave Range Spectrum Part Radiation Modeling
Engineering Education # 09, September 2015
DOI: 10.7463/0915.0812079
pp. 106-121
77-48211/419145 Application of information technologies that should improve the quality of education by the example of internet-laboratory "global navigation satellite systems"
Engineering Education # 06, June 2012
Internet-laboratory “Global Navigation Satellites Systems” was created in the Bauman University. Laboratory allows one to carry out remote practical works for investigations of technical characteristics of navigation equipment. The hardware and software system is basic educational and methodical facility for support of remote practical works in the area of navigation systems. The application of modern educational technology improved the quality specialist training in the field of satellite navigation.
77-30569/253065 Experimental research of different target types radar pictures in milieter wave range.
Engineering Education # 01, January 2012
In this article the results of experimental research works of composing data bank of  radar pictures for different target types in millimeter wave range. The comparative analysis of produced radar pictures depending on angle of the object and wavelength range is included. To solve the detecting and recognizing problems, the possibility of using the oscillating components from Doppler’s images of targets was considered.  
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