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Solar Flash Sub-Millimeter Wave Range Spectrum Part Radiation Modeling
Engineering Education # 09, September 2015
DOI: 10.7463/0915.0812079
pp. 106-121
Experimental RSC Estimation for the Local Scattering Points with Ultra Short Impulse Radar
Radiooptics # 05, September 2015
DOI: 10.7463/rdopt.0515.0768702
pp. 79-86

Engineering Bulletin # 07, July 2013
77-30569/250145 Shared center for research and testing of microminiature high-frequency and broadband special electronic equipment assembly and mounting technological processes.
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
Technological abilities of shared center for research and testing of microminiature high-frequency and broadband special electronic equipment assembly and mounting technological processes were considered in the article. Working conditions and examples of technological processes of micro-assemblies development and mounting were described. Perspectives for the development of this center and for the entire sphere were shown.
77-30569/253036 Development of radar for radio vision of spacecrafts in millimeter-wave band – radar RV MGTU
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
Radar station created in BMSTU (RDE RET) that allows to get the images of low-orbit spacecrafts and working in the millimeter-wave band was considered in this article. Created radar station is an interesting researching tool, allowing to breakthrough in the sphere of creating algorithms and methods for taking radar pictures of aircrafts and their high-accuracy detection; it also provides tools for research of millimeter-wave propagation at the Earth-Space path.   
77-30569/254666 Research of methods for compensation of phase incursion in radar with inverse aperture synthesis when monitoring a moving target
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
Principles of creating the distance-azimuthal radar pictures of targets in radars with inverse aperture synthesis, based on classic spectral analysis. Algorithm for localizing data processing when monitoring aircraft moving along the straight-line trajectory was developed. The results of distance-azimuthal radar picture simulation based on facet model and point model were presented in the article.
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