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Variant of constructing a regulator of excitement of synchronous electric generators which provides optimization of parameters of transient processes in conjugated power supply system
Engineering Education # 06, June 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0612.0415299
The authors propose an approach to construction of an adaptive system of automatic adjustment of excitement of synchronous electric generators. The authors consider optimization of transient processes characteristics in power supply systems, on the basis of indirect adaptive management with an identifier and neural network technologies. It was shown that accuracy of approximation of transient processes in a power supply system by the neural network identifier allowed to reproduce time length of the transient process to within the tenth fractions of a second.
77-30569/244189 Variant of creating a device for synchronous generator-field control
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
The article covers realization of a device for synchronous generator-field control. It is shown that the proposed device is meant for transient response data optimization in electric generators due to adaptation of the field regulator parameters to the current state of power system. The device is able to adapt the parameters of the operational unit (regulator) to the parameters of electrical power network by means of continuous teaching during the operation.
77-30569/244635 Creating an automatic voltage regulator for synchronous generator
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
The authors consider realization of an electric generator control unit for weakening adverse effects of overloads or transient processes. The authors review the work of the regulation characteristic calculator on the basis of using an ultra-fast annealing algorithm. It is shown that the device is capable of solving problems of decreasing the energy of transient processes (which appear during disturbances in power grids) due to the parameter optimization of the field regulator of the synchronous generator according to the variation of primary voltage at the installation stage.
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