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Use of the Two-Point Calibration Method for Long Wavelength Infrared Uncooled Microbolometer ULIS' Matrices
Radiooptics # 06, November 2015
DOI: 10.7463/rdopt.0615.0820469
pp. 13-26
Face detection on color raster image using a modified Viola-Jones method
# 07, July 2012
The authors propose an improved algorithm for face detection based on the Viola-Jones method. This article provides a brief comparison of existing algorithms for detection, describes the principles of Viola-Jones method. The sequence of operations of improving algorithm standard is being presented. It also allows to accelerate the algorithm several times, and also reduces the false detection, which is proved by experimental data.
77-30569/230289 Three-dimensional image registration algorithm for objects with passive stereoscopic system using multiresolution image processing.
Engineering Education # 10, October 2011
This article contains a brief description of the reconstruction algorithm of three-dimensional image of an object by means of the stereoscopic system. A distinctive feature of this algorithm is a multiresolution image processing. The identification of the pixels is based on the correlation criterion with respect to the mask size of 11x11. Created stereo system allows to register three-dimensional images with the frame rate to 10 Hz for stereomate’s images size of 320x240 pixels. Such systems are demanded mostly in industry, automation, robotics and medicine. It’s possible to increase the speed of the system by creating a more efficient algorithm.
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