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Coordinate relationship of the medical robot – manipulator
Engineering Education # 12, December 2012
DOI: 10.7463/0113.0520630
During surgical operations with the use of a robot–manipulator, control actions are managed by force effects in the area of the surgical operation. The constructional design of the robot is chosen according to the technological requirements for implementation of specific movements. It turns out that when a force is applied to the tool, displacement of the force application point can be non-collinear to the force vector. If interaction between a surgical instrument and the operation object can be reduced to a concentrated force, it is necessary to choose a beneficial robot configuration to avoid lateral offset. In this configuration the force vector must be aimed to the proper direction of the robot compliance matrix in the force application point. The proposed calculation method helps to construct a working configuration of the robot with respect to minimization of possible spurious derivation of the instrument from the requested trajectory.
77-30569/228338 Ultra ink-jet express diagnostic of functional coatings
Engineering Education # 10, October 2011
 The article considers the application of ultra ink-jet express diagnostic to select the optimal functional coating and technology of application. It is shown that the ultra ink-jet diagnostic is a universal method for analyzing the wear resistance of coatings by real simulation of most types of mechanical wear: abrasive, hydroabrasive, hydroerosion, cavitation. The authors propose an opportunity to analyze the wear rate and fatigue wear in the development of physico-mathematical and probabilistic models, application of acoustic emission data and the use of macro-and mikrofraktographical analysis results. 
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