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Simulation of a cavitation attack on the working surface of a work-piece operated in a hydro-dynamic medium
Engineering Education # 11, November 2013
DOI: 10.7463/1113.0623525
This article justifies the necessity of developing a general mathematical model of cavitation wear of work-pieces, which takes into account design-engineering features and operating modes along with properties of external hydro-dynamic environment and the strain-stress state of a work-piece. Simulation results of the strain-stress state of a work-piece operated in a hydro-dynamic medium and influenced by cavitation were presented in this paper along with pressure values, the equivalent stress and deformation velocity in the work-piece’s materials under consideration. The developed evaluation model for the strain-stress state of a work-piece is one of the basic modules of a general mathematical model of work-piece cavitation wear.
Estimation of the stress-strain state of work pieces affected by cavitational-abrasive wear
Engineering Education # 12, December 2013
DOI: 10.7463/1213.0623531
This article presents the results of quantitative assessment of process parameters which occur in materials of work pieces susceptible to cavitational-abrasive wear when in operation in aggressive fluid media. The authors propose a new algorithm for estimating the stress-strain state of materials of technical system’s elements affected by abrasive particles and micro water jets resulting from collapse of cavity pockets. Several hypotheses were introduced for describing this physical phenomenon; they were justified in this work. On the basis of the proposed algorithm evaluation calculations of existent parameters which allow one to make conclusions on the stress-strain state of several materials were performed. The obtained results were presented in the form of functional dependences.
Development of a model of ultra-jet instant diagnosis of materials
Engineering Education # 10, October 2013
DOI: 10.7463/1013.0604128
This article deals with application of ultra-jet diagnosis of materials, which is one of the most promising and complex methods allowing one to estimate durability of materials instantly under various conditions. A review of existent mathematical models which allow one to evaluate the depth of a honeycomb originated on the surface of a material as a result of ultra-jet influence. Requirements to the ultra-jet interaction model and the material being diagnosed were determined. On the basis of these requirements a model which could be used in the technique of the ultra-jet instant diagnosis was proposed.

# 06, June 2012
УДК: 620.11
77-30569/228338 Ultra ink-jet express diagnostic of functional coatings
Engineering Education # 10, October 2011
 The article considers the application of ultra ink-jet express diagnostic to select the optimal functional coating and technology of application. It is shown that the ultra ink-jet diagnostic is a universal method for analyzing the wear resistance of coatings by real simulation of most types of mechanical wear: abrasive, hydroabrasive, hydroerosion, cavitation. The authors propose an opportunity to analyze the wear rate and fatigue wear in the development of physico-mathematical and probabilistic models, application of acoustic emission data and the use of macro-and mikrofraktographical analysis results. 
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