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77-30569/245694 Track mathematical modeling
Engineering Education # 10, October 2011
This article contains an example of track mathematical model. Discussed previously developed similar models and listed their shortcomings. The new model is designed to work with transmission, suspension and running gear models and requires low computation time. A qualitative verification of the adequacy of track mathematical model was provided.
77-30569/216198 Details of modeling electrical transmission of a vehicle as an example of a propulsion linear electric drive.
Engineering Education # 10, October 2011
 This article contains an example of a track-type vehicle transmission model. Transmission is made on the basis of a valve-inductor linear motor. The authors consider the issues of mathematical modeling of a valve-inductor linear motor. The main emphasis was placed on universality of a geometric configuration modeled engine. The authors suggest a method for creating mechanical characteristics of the motor using a simulation model.
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