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Rational decision-making in design of assembly diagrams
Engineering Education # 10, October 2012
DOI: 10.7463/1012.0475116
This article proposes a new approach to development of assembly diagrams and assembly structure. The authors show that the basic design properties affecting feasibility of these diagrams can be presented as a preorder relation on a set of parts of the product. The symmetrical part of the preorder is an equivalence relation describing accessory of parts to assemblies. Factorization of preorder on its symmetric part gives a partial order on the quotient set. This partial order defines a temporary ranking of parts and components during assembly. The authors propose a procedure of selection of rational assembly sequence which includes sequential afterordering of the partial order.
77-30569/359132 Influence of initial conditions and time of simulation on characteristics of conditional non-stationary processes
Engineering Education # 04, April 2012
In the article a provisionally non-stationary Gaussian process was proposed for analytical research of simulation processes convergence. This Gaussian process was considered as a stationary Gaussian process with a specified pre-history. The authors studied dependence of medium-integral estimation on different factors. It was shown that the trend of the medium-integral estimation had a lasting character, contains a significant systematic error at the initial stage and depends on the process correlation, initial values and time of simulation.
77-30569/355371 Approximation of integral mean estimations of transient regimes of simulated models of queuing networks
Engineering Education # 03, March 2012
This article deals with the problems of estimation of the character of autocovariance functions and trends of typical output simulated processes, which are necessary when investigating the convergence of search optimization algorithms on simulated models. In order to determine the function class of output simulated processes, simulation of typical structures of queuing networks was conducted, namely disconnected single- and multi-phase queue systems with different service procedures and closed-loop single- and multi-phase queue systems with sources of various population and service procedures.
77-30569/207618 Tools of business games in tasks of product sales management in competitive environment
Engineering Education # 09, September 2011
The analysis problems of principles and methods of distribution and products promotion in competitive environment as well as game models of the choice of management strategies for product sales are considered. The efficiency of multi-role business games approaches in defining a coherent pricing policy in competitive environment is given. This problem is related to the formalization of the representation of the scenario of user actions in the course of a business game. At the same time to implement the interaction of user processes between main stream of the scenario and supporting processes the formal operations of data exchange and synchronization are introduced.
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