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77-30569/219888 Cost estimating of difficult machine-building product’s life cycle at decision-making on perfection of the project
Engineering Education # 10, October 2011
 The article considers an approach in the field of management of a difficult machine-building product life cycle at design stage. The authors offer a model of the product and methods of cost estimating of its life cycle during its operation. Computer simulations are considered as a prediction method of operation results.
Analysis and planning of maintenance service and repair of difficult object on the basis of his functional condition
Engineering Education # 08, August 2011
The problem of revealing and use of a current functional condition of difficult object for the organization of his maintenance service and repair is considered. Classification of systems of diagnostics from the point of view of the organization of maintenance service and repair on reliability of their forecast is offered. The model of events depending on quality of system of diagnostics is developed and the comparative analysis of expenses for the basic cases (degrees of quality) is lead.
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