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About indefiniteness of own frequency of a drosselling hydraulic actuator.
Engineering Education # 07, July 2011
The wave model a current of liquid in a hydraulic actuator is considered. It is shown that own frequency of a drosselling hydraulic actuator can decrease in 1,41 times at the identical weight led to a target link. As a result of numerical experiments influence of nonlinearity of a dynamic characteristic on self-oscillatory processes arising in a hydraulic actuator is defined. Results of numerical experiments have been compared with results of tests of the hydro-mechanical monitor drive applied in laboratory installation of chair E-10 "The hydromechanics, the hydrocars and Hydro-pneumatic Systems" MSTU named after N. E. Bauman. Values of frequencies of self-oscillations received at tests of the laboratory sample of a hydromechanical actuator and registered at numerical experiments are almost equal and differ from calculated on linear mathematical model in 1,41 times. Thus, it is possible to conclude that the decrease in own frequency of self-oscillations of a hydromechanical drive found out at mathematical modeling represents the facts.
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