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Spherical wave reflection at impedance interface of two mediums
Engineering Education # 03, March 2011
The new solution of the problem of the directed sound beams reflection at the interface between liquid half-space and solid half-space is analyzed. This solution is received in a class of the generalized functions, which are the conjugate solutions of the appropriate not self-conjugate boundary problem. It is marked, that reflectance of spherical components of the total solution in the field of angles of complete internal reflection is less than one. The reflectance takes the minimal value when falling angle corresponds to generation of Rayleigh wave. The analytical expression for shift of the directed sound beams is received for reflection, which angular dependence precisely corresponds to observed dependence in classical Schoch experiments.
Multithreaded searching the signals with given correlative properties on SMP-systems
Engineering Education # 12, December 2010
The article introduces a program application for searching binary codes of variable length that have given autocorrelative and mutual correlative properties. Side lobes of them must be less than given values. The article contains speed analysis of the program working in the single threaded and multithreaded modes, conditions of speed reductions specific for multithreaded environment on the assumption of probability equations that are also introduced in the text.
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