Другие журналы

scientific edition of Bauman MSTU


Bauman Moscow State Technical University.   El № FS 77 - 48211.   ISSN 1994-0408

Организация производства (по отраслям)

77-48211/478470 Practical aspects of cost approach to management of a machine-building company
# 08, August 2012
A.I. Volkov, A.S. Ptuskin, E.A. Kobeleva, V.I. Kupcov
The authors consider practical aspects of business valuation methods in management of engineering enterprises. The authors analyze the possibility of using synthetic methods of business valuation to address measurement property potential of a machine-building enterprise. On the basis of this method the authors conducted field studies that evaluated the potential value of the property and confirmed the high value of the estate component of engineering production. The proposed method can be used in management of cost of business as well as balanced factors of a machine-building enterprise.
77-30569/275692 About individualization tools, used by business entities
# 11, November 2011
S. Strahova
Article deals with individualization tools of legal bodies, goods, works, favors and facilities. Company names, trademarks, service marks, geographical indications, trade names belongs to individualization tools.
77-30569/207709 Organization of interactive processes for management information systems in a virtual environment
# 10, October 2011
M.F. Menyaev
 This article covers questions of website organization for realization of interactive negative processes occurring in a production management system. It is shown that the control system implemented on the basis of web-technology should identify the participants of the forum, ensure prompt moving to the conference from different points of the web site, organization of web site pages reflecting production processes and organizational structure of the enterprise, a window of interactive publications - the conference itself at which there is a public exchange of information and personal section for confidential information transfer. The authors explain the sequence of actions supported by the developed software that defines a set of tools interactive process (tools). 
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