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Engineering Education # 09, September 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0913.0620921
Determination of optimum tolerances in size of planar lever mechanisms
Engineering Education # 11, November 2011
DOI: 10.7463/1111.248778
The article presents a method of determining optimum tolerances in size of elements of planar lever mechanisms according to assigned deviations of output component. In contrast to the matrix method developed earlier by the authors, the approach presented in this work gives the possibility of determining the global space of admittances, and then directly evaluate admittances for the elements of planar lever mechanisms. A special feature of the proposed method consists in the possibility of random setting of the function type of the mechanism error and determining nonexistent solutions of the problem at an early stage of designing the mechanism. The order of admittances determination is illustrated with an example of positioning four-link lever mechanisms - jointed four-link mechanism and slider-crank mechanism. The authors provide a comparison of the calculation results according to the proposed approach and the previously developed matrix method.
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