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Investigation of Copper Vapor Pulsed Laser with Industrial Active Elements of “Kulon” Series using One Convex Mirror Mode and Its Capabilities for Technological Applications
Engineering Education # 06, June 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0614.0717060
Spatial, time and energy characteristics of a copper vapor laser (CVL|) have been investigated in the one convex mirror mode using the most powerful industrial sealed-off active elements (AE) of “Kulon” series: 15 W GL-206D model and 20 W GL-206I one; the laser capabilities for microprocessing of materials are defined. The main advantage of one mirror mode is that one high quality beam with a high stability of directivity pattern axis is formed in CVL thereby increasing the quality of microprocessing.At small radii of mirror curvature (R = 6-30 mm) the CVL output radiation beam divergence can differ from diffraction limit only by 2-3 times (0.15-0.35 mrad), and a peak power density in a focused spot can reach 109…1010 W/cm2 values. The use of CVL with one mirror as a driving oscillator (DO) in a copper vapor laser system (CVLS) of the type: driving oscillator – spatial filter- collimator – power amplifier (DO – SFC – PA) using 30-50 W industrial “Crystal” AEs in PAs allows to increase peak power density up to 1011 W/cm2, sufficient for efficient and qualitative microprocessing of materials up to 1 mm thick.
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