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Can a Gearbox Be of Use in an Electric Vehicle?
Engineering Education # 06, June 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0614.0715866
The article conducts a reasoning analysis for using a gearbox in electric motor vehicles, in particular in vehicles with hybrid powertrain. It presents external high-speed characteristics of internal combustion (IC) engines in vehicles with hybrid powertrain engines and electric motors that can be set in vehicles with hybrid powertrain, which are used to compare characteristics of horsepower balance and accelerations of these vehicles both with IC engine and gearbox and with electric motor. To prove the need of a gearbox application, both in the electric vehicle, and in the in vehicle with hybrid powertrain, comparative diagrams of accelerations and power balance of the vehicle with electric motor without a gearbox and with electric motor in combination with the 2-, 3-, 4-staged gearboxes are provided.
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