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Study of Influence of Climber Motion on the Space Elevator Dynamics
Engineering Education # 05, May 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0514.0710704
This work studies dynamics of the space elevator taking into account the effect of climber mo-tion. The motion occurs in a gravitational field of the Earth. The tether is considered as a pair of inelastic inextensible bars with variable length and area of cross-sections. The climber consists of two cylinders that are connected by a strap, and a payload, that is considered as a material point. A mathematical model of the space elevator is developed. It is shown that steady lifting of the climber leads to swinging of the space elevator. A control torque providing steady lifting of the payload is obtained. An effect of the payload mass on the amplitude of the space elevator os-cillation is studied. It is shown that an increasing payload mass leads to the growing amplitude of the space elevator oscillations.
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