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Yield Surface Investigation of Alloys During Model Disk Spin Tests
Engineering Education # 05, May 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0514.0710005
Disks of gas-turbine engine are high loaded parts of irregular shape having intensive stress concentrators wherein 3D stress strain state occurs. The loss of load-carrying capability or burst of disk can lead to accident or disaster. Therefore, development of methods to assess deformations and to predict burst is one of the critical goals. The article presents results of quasi-static numerical simulation of spin tests of model disk made from high-temperature forged alloy. To determine stress-strain state of disk during loading finite element analysis is used. Simulation of elastic-plastic strain fields was carried out using the incremental theory of plasticity with isotropic hardening. V.Mises and Tresca yield criteria impact on the model sensitivity was investigated. To identify the material model parameters the eddy current sensors were used in the experimental approach to measure rim radial displacements during the load-unload of spin test. The results of calculations made using different parameters of material model were compared with the experimental results.
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