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Accounting rigid support at the border in a mixed model the finite element method in problems of ice cover destruction
Engineering Education # 03, March 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0314.0700516
The task concerning the bend of the plates lying on the elastic basis, for a long time was of interest in engineering, mainly, in terms of calculation of base plates. Now similar researches are carried out to solve the problems of icebreaking capability of vessels. The paper spreads the mixed models of a method of final elements to solve the problems of plate bend on the elastic foundation (an ice cover). The task is solved by means of the mixed triangular element. The paper offers to take into the accounting a rigid support of a plate on the border. The obtained ratios considering an "increase in rigidity", allow us to reduce the number of the equations of allowing system by the number of elements on a plate contour. Using a round plate as an example the article shows a convergence of numerical solutions to analytical ones.
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