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Engineering Bulletin # 06, June 2015
УДК: 519.21

Engineering Bulletin # 06, June 2015
УДК: 519.21
About one method of extension operator construction
Engineering Education # 02, February 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0214.0697588
This article examines S.L. Sobolev anisotropic spaces. It proposes a method to construct the operator extension T from the banach space of functions to Sobolev anisotropic space. The operator T is the best one in terms of growth rate of high order derivatives from extension function, and its construction is based on any extension operator Ext. The construction method is to apply the approximation operator saving boundary values to the operator Ext. V.I. Burenkov offers this method in the isotropic case while E.M. Popova’s proposal is to use it in the anisotropic one.
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