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Reliability assessment for redundant multi-agent systems
Engineering Education # 01, January 2014
DOI: 10.7463/0114.0696290
УДК: 004.052.3
The application of logical-and-probabilistic methods to evaluation of reliability indexes of distributed hardware-software multi-agent systems is examined in the article. The developed model of multi-agent system defines fault-tolerance technique, which is based on replication of tasks and actuators of the existing system as well as on introduction of redundant sets of executive containers. The developed model is also applicable for multi-agent systems with actuators being aggregated into a set of production lines. Criteria of serviceability and the methodology for assessment of reliability, which defines the procedure of construction of an analytic operability function, were developed on a basis of the introduced model. The developed methodology was validated by the computing experiment described in the article. The model of redundant multi-agent system and the introduced reliability assessment methodology could be applied to various problems of synthesis of optimal multi-agent system with required reliability indexes.
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