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Engineering Bulletin # 10, October 2014
УДК: 372.862
Features of thermal power loading of equipment’s thermoelectric modules while in operation
Engineering Education # 11, November 2013
DOI: 10.7463/1113.0631621
Thermal power loading of a thermoelectric module (TM) in operation was investigated; the weakest elements were revealed. Analysis of thermal deformations arising in the branches of TM was carried out. Influence of various deformation types on the stress-strain state of the TM’s branches was studied. A mathematical model for calculating stresses in the branches of TM was developed. Calculation results obtained with the use of the proposed model were presented. Influence of geometric characteristics of the TM’s branches and manufacturing tolerance on stresses in the branches was also investigated. Recommendations were given on the design of TM on the basis of the obtained results.

# 09, September 2013
УДК: 539.3
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