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Modeling of non-stationary internal heat-mass-transfer in heat-shielding structures by the three-dimensional finite-element method
Engineering Education # 10, October 2013
DOI: 10.7463/1013.0606069
In this article the authors propose a finite-element method for calculating non-stationary heat-mass-transfer 3D problems in heat-shielding structures made of composite materials with consideration for thermo-decomposition and filtration of gases in pinholes. Specialized software that implements the numerical finite-element method for solving the problem of internal heat-mass-transfer in 3D elements of structures made of composite thermo-destructive materials was developed. In this paper the authors also present results of testing the developed method and software that illustrate working capacity of this method and its applicability to solving investigation problems of non-stationary heating modes of heat-shielding structures.
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