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Microarc Oxidation of the High-Silicon Aluminum AK12D Alloy
Engineering Education # 07, July 2015
DOI: 10.7463/0715.0779403
pp. 115-128
Influence of micro-arc oxidation on durability of IC-engine’s piston
Engineering Education # 09, September 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0913.0606017
This paper presents results of an experimental investigation of a possibility of increasing durability of IC-engine’s pistons by creating nanostructured coating at the surface of a piston skirt with the use of the micro-arc oxidation method (MAO). The authors describe a method for creating a hardened layer at the surface of a piston skirt with the use of MAO; they also give a description of experimental procedures for pistons under conditions of engine operation and results of those experiments. This work was carried out in order to increase durability of IC-engine’s pistons made of aluminum alloys; the obtained results could be used for increasing durability and reliability of IC-engines.
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