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Calculating parameters of flow and acoustic noise for a tandem of cylinders
Engineering Education # 09, September 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0913.0602256
The goal of this work is verification of turbulence models and acoustic analogy for flow simulation and calculation of noise for a tandem of cylinders. In the scope of this work numerical results of flow simulation around a tandem of cylinders with different turbulent models were presented. Problem definition and computing methods were also defined. The RANS equations were closed with k-e, k-ω SST, SA turbulence model. Large eddy simulation was based on one sub-grid turbulence model equation. Curle’s acoustic analogy was also used. The computational method is based on the finite method algorithm. The calculation of aerodynamic coefficients of bodies was conducted with different grids and turbulence’s models. Comparison of the obtained results with the experimental results received also by the authors was carried out. On the basis of the obtained results recommendations on calculations of 3D cases could be given.
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