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Optimization of dynamic characteristics of a ground catapult for minimizing the guide’s length
Engineering Education # 07, July 2013
DOI: 10.7463/0713.0602237
A problem of obtaining the best dynamic performance of a ground launching device (GLD) for starting unmanned aircraft vehicles (UAVs) was formulated in this paper. A well-known catapult construction, allowing to smooth the regressive law of traction, and thereby reduce the boost phase of UAVs, was considered. The author proposed an improved version of GLD; this version is based on the well-known principle of action which is implemented in a flexible transmission. A complex conjugate thermal-gas-dynamical and mechanical model of GLD was developed. With regard to the proposed scheme of the catapult an optimization problem was formulated and optimal characteristics of the cable angles, which allow one to approximate the constant law of overload to high precision, were determined. A number of numerical experiments which helped to obtain the best configuration were carried out on the basis of the model of GLD. The author analyzed physical parameter fields in the cylinder of an expansion engine and their effect on characteristics of the stratum. Dynamic characteristics of the proposed type of GLD were also presented in this paper.
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